Earth Day 2022: 3 Helpful Things You Can Do

Posted by Rick Wilder

Although it might seem like the world at large has fallen behind on its promise to decrease emissions and de-pollute our home in light of the pandemic (and in many ways it has) Earth Day 2022 is a dedicated day to be more Earth-conscious –  it’s also a chance for businesses and citizens alike to do their part. 

TL;DR? Unless we want Mad Max to set up residence in the desert world we leave behind, now’s the time to chip in and help Ol’ Mother Earth! 

When is Earth Day?

There’ll be events happening all across the globe throughout the week of April 22nd, so save the date!

You might be asking yourself: “What can I do to participate in Earth Day?” and, no matter how small you might think a contribution of your time or energy is worth, drops in the ocean can change the tide – if only they would work together! So, what 3 simple things could make a world of difference? 

Helpful Things You Can Do on Earth Day 2022 #1 - Start and/or Sign a Petition

It might be the most obvious thing to do if you’re strapped for time, but most local governments aren’t up to date on every environmental subject out there – from the ongoing damage of plastic pollution and littering/fly-tipping to the often unethical acts of the fashion industry, not to mention deforestation and overfishing. 

Perhaps you’re only passionate about one or two of these. That said, the butterfly effect of all these negatively impact the earth. It might be that you live near a fishing port, a polluted beach or a public park/lake which has seen better days. Being local gives you the advantage of voicing your community’s concerns properly.

Calling on your local government to help with reducing our footprint this Earth Day by starting or signing a petition can do a world of good! Our advice? Start local.

#2 - Start and/or Join a Cleanup Project

If your local council or government has already ignored/voted against cleaning up somewhere nearby, the option to DIY it this Earth Day is still on the cards! 

Of course, getting some neighbours together and tidying up local parks/orchards and around reservoirs/lakes/rivers make the most noticeable difference. Be sure to make a racket on social media to inspire others to do the same. Register your event on the International Earth Day website so others can chip in!

Tidying up private land can be an obstacle when it comes to getting permission and some travelling cleanup projects refuse to clear private land altogether – but keep in mind that accumulated trash on private land may come from illegal flytipping which is out of the landowner’s control. 

#3 - Plant Trees En Masse

If you happen to live in the right place, planting trees en masse either by yourself, with your family or as part of a larger community can make a huge difference in combatting rising co2 emissions. 

Getting younger generations involved with planting locally and seeing them grow is a particularly excellent way to get them thinking about our planet and its future.

One thing you’ll need to do before you start is check out the Woodland Trust’s article explaining where and how to properly prepare and plant trees. Planting the wrong sort of trees, planting trees too close together, planting near roads, buildings and utility lines can prove disastrous down the line.

So, needless to say: it’s important to do the right thing in the right way!

That just about wraps up Questo’s short (yet punchy) list of 3 Helpful Things You Can Do for Earth Day 2022. Of course, our list was in no way exhaustive, so if you’re getting involved in something different for this Earth Day, please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram!